To be Published
- Yan, Y., Su, W.J. and Fan, J. (2025+).
The Isotonic Mechanism for Exponential Family Estimation.
Journal of Royal Statistical Society, to appear. - Fan, J., Lou, Z., Wang, W., and Yu, M. (2024+).
Spectral Ranking Inferences based on General Multiway Comparisons.
Operations Research, to appear. - Wang, B. and Fan, J. (2024+).
Robust Matrix Completion with Heavy-tailed Noise.
Journal of American Statistical Association, to appear. - Fan, J., Lou, Z., Wang, W. and Yu, M. (2024+).
Ranking Inferences Based on the top Choice of Multiway Comparisons.
Journal of American Statistical Association, to appear. - Zhu, X., Xu, G., and Fan, J. (2023+). Simultaneous Estimation and Group Identification for
Network Vector Autoregressive Model with Heterogeneous Nodes. Journal of Econometrics,
accepted. Manuscript
Under Review
- Chai, J., Chen, E.Y., Fan, J. (2025).
Deep Transfer Q-Learning for Offline Non-Stationary Reinforcement Learning.
Manuscript. - Cao, Y., He, Y., Wu, D., Chen, H.-Y, Fan, J., Liu, H. (2025).
Transformers Simulate MLE for Sequence Generation in Bayesian Networks.
Manuscript. - He, Y., Cao, Y., Chen, H.Y., Wu, D., Fan, J., Liu, H. (2025).
Learning Spectral Methods by Transformers.
Manuscript. - Chai, J., Duan, Y., Fan, J., Wang, K. (2025).
Localized exploration in contextual dynamic pricing achieves dimension-free regret.
Manuscript. - Jiang, S. and Fan, J. (2024).
Optimal Parameter Estimation in Degree Corrected Mixed Membership Models.
Manuscript. - Su, B., Zhang, J., Collina, N., Yan, Y., Li, D., Cho, K., Fan, J., Roth, A., Su, W. (2024).
Analysis of the ICML 2023 Ranking Data: Can Authors' Opinions of Their Own Papers Assist Peer Review in Machine Learning? Manuscript. - Tang, S., Jana, S., and Fan, J. (2024).
Factor Adjusted Spectral Clustering for Mixture Models.
Manuscript. - Fan, J.,Wang, W., Zhao, Y. (2024).
Conditional nonparametric variable screening via neural network factor regression.
Manuscript. - Fan, J., Liu, Q., Song, Y. and Wang, Z. (2024).
Measuring Misinformation in Financial Markets.
Manuscript. - Yao, N., Chen, P., Fan, D., Selloni, A. and Fan, J. (2024). Anomalous Saturation of CO Adsorption at 26\% on Cu(111).
Manuscript. - Fan, J., Hou, J., and Yu, M. (2024).
Covariate Assisted Entity Ranking with Sparse Intrinsic Scores.
Manuscript. - Fan, J., Yan, Y., and Zheng, Y. (2024).
When can weak latent factors be statistically inferred?
Manuscript. - Li, X., He, Y., Liu, H., Fan, J. (2024).
Universal High-dimensional Principal Component Analysis for Correlated Data: Isotropic-spiked Model.
Manuscript. - Ge, J., Murherjee, M., Fan, J. (2024).
Optimal Aggregation of Prediction Intervals under Unsupervised Domain Shift.
Manuscript. - Fan, J., Li, Y., Xia, N., and Zheng, X. (2024).
Tests for principal eigenvalues and eigenvectors.
Manuscript. - Gu, Y, Fang, C, Buelhmann, P., and J. Fan. (2024).
Causality Pursuit from Heterogeneous Environments via Neural Adversarial Invariance Learning.
Manuscript. - Liu, W., Xu, G., Fan, J., and Zhu, X. (2024).
Two-way homogeneity pursuit for quantile network vector autoregression.
Manuscript. - Jana, S., Fan, J., and Kulkani, S. (2024).
A general theory for robust clustering via trimmed mean.
Manuscript. - Fan, J, Lou, Z., Zhang, D. (2023).
Test of independence using generalized distance correlation.
The Annals of Statistics, under revision. - Fan, J., Wang, Z., Yang, Z., Ye, C. (2023).
Provably Efficient High-Dimensional Bandit Learning with Batched Feedbacks.
Manuscript. - Fan, J., Gao, C., and Klusowski, J.M. (2023).
Robust transfer learning with unreliable source data.
Manuscript. - Fan, J., Tong, X., Wu, Y. and Yao, S. (2023).
Neyman-Pearson and equal opportunity: when efficiency meets fairness in classification.
Manuscript. - He, Y., Liu, H., and Fan, J. (2023).
Hidden Clique Inference in Random Ising Model II: the planted Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model.
Manuscript. - He, Y., Liu, H., and Fan, J. (2023).
Hidden Clique Inference in Random Ising Model I: the planted random field Curie-Weiss model.
Manuscript. - Giessing, A. and Fan, J. (2023).
A Bootstrap Hypothesis Test for High-Dimensional Mean Vectors.
Manuscript. - Bhattacharya, S., Fan, J., and Hou, J. (2023).
Inferences on mixing probabilities and ranking in mixed-membership models.
Manuscript. - Fan, J., Ge, J., and Mukherjee, D. (2023).
UTOPIA: Universally Trainable Optimal Prediction Intervals Aggregation.
Manuscript. - Yan, Y., Su, W.J. and Fan, J. (2023).
The Isotonic Mechanism for Exponential Family Estimation.
Manuscript. - Li, G., Yan, Y.L., Chen, Y., and Fan, J. (2023).
Minimax-Optimal Reward-Agnostic Exploration in Reinforcement Learning.
Manuscript. - Bayle, P., Fan, J, and Lou, Z. (2023).
Communication-Efficient Distributed Estimation and Inference for Cox's Model
Manuscript - Fan J., Liu, Q., and Zheng, K. (2023).
Unearthing Financial Statement Fraud: Insights from News Coverage Analysis.
Manuscript. - Fan, J., Fan, Y., Lv, J., and Yang, F. (2022).
SIMPLE-RP: Group Network Inference with Non-Sharp Nulls and Weak Signals.
Manuscript. - Bayle, P. and Fan, J. (2022).
Factor-Augmented Regularized Model for Hazard Regression.
Manuscript. - Yu, M., Yang, Z., and Fan, J. (2022).
Strategic Decision-Making in the Presence of Information Asymmetry: Provably Efficient RL with Algorithmic Instruments.
Manuscript. - Fan, J., Ke, Z., Liao, Y., and Neuhierl (2022).
Structural Deep Learning in Conditional Asset Pricing.
Manuscript. - A\"it-Sahalia, Y., Fan, J., Xue, L., and Zhou, Y. (2022).
How and when are high-frequency prices predicable?
Manuscript. - Shin, M., Kim, D., Wang, Y. and Fan, J. (2021).
Factor and idiosyncratic VAR-Ito volatility models for heavy-tailed high-frequency financial data.
Manuscript. - Fan, J., Guo, Y., and Zhu, Z. (2020).
When is best subset selection the ``best''?
Manuscript. - Giessing, A. and Fan, J. (2020).
Bootstrapping $\ell_p$-statistics in high dimensions.
Manuscript. - Fan, J., Wang, Z., Xie, Y., and Yang, Z. (2020).
A Theoretical Analysis of Deep Q-Learning.
Manuscript. - Fan, J., Weng, H. and Zhou, Y. (2019).
Optimal estimation of functionals of high-dimensional mean and covariance matrix.
Manuscript. - Ke, Z., Bose, K., and Fan, J. (2018).
Higher Moment Estimation for Elliptically-distributed Data: Is it Necessary to Use a Sledgehammer to Crack an Egg?
Manuscript. - Fan, J., Liu, H., Wang, Z. and Yang, Z. (2018).
Curse of Heterogeneity: Computational Barriers in Sparse Mixture Models and Phase Retrieval.
Manuscript. - Balasubramanian, K., Fan, J., and Yang, Z. (2018).
Tensor methods for additive index models under discordance and heterogeneity.
Manuscript. - Fan, J. and Zhong, Y. (2018).
Optimal subspace estimation using overidentifying vectors via generalized method of moments.